2015 - 2017 Contemporary Training Program Application


Each applicant for the Contemporary Training Program is required to submit a written application, including a 500 word personal statement along with a $60.00 application fee, and must audition either by video, or in person at our annual CTP audition, or Summer Excavation.

Video applications are due by August 1st, 2015.  Admittance into the program is determined by video  submission and the 500 word personal statement.  All applicants are required to submit a Video Link  between 3 and 5 minutes in duration of themselves in class, performance or executing a short combination. The video must show the dancers technical abilities as well as their sense of timing and movement quality.  Please submit by youtube or vimeo.  Social networking sights will not be accepted.  
*Please note, additional video footage may be requested.

Important Dates

September 14, 2015 -  Program Start 
May 15, 2015  -  Program End 

For further inquiries please contact Chris Hale at chrishale@pusihngprogress.com



Pushing Progress Contemporary Training Program 2015-2017 Application Form


  • Please fill out form completely and remit APPLICATION FEE PAYMENT of $60.00 trough PayPal below.
  • Please email a headshot, resume and 1 letter of recommendation from a professional in the dance world to Chris Hale, CTP program Director at chrishale@pusihngprogress.com
