Elani Engelken - by Christian Buitron

Elani Engelken

Director of Professional Development/Operations

Elani Engelken is a New York City based teacher and choreographer as well as the Director of Professional Development and Operations at Pushing Progress Contemporary Dance. Ms. Engelken mentors and trains dancers using her background in Vaganova ballet, Graham technique, Horton technique, contemporary and classical jazz techniques as well as her training in yoga and self-development. Her contemporary classes consist of technical work, strength training, yoga and inner-awareness work to facilitate creative leadership that maximizes a dancer’s artistic expression.  As a coach Ms. Engelken works with dancers to create their ideal professional dance career while maintaining a balanced, holistic, healthy lifestyle.

Elani comes to New York from Denver, Colorado where she trained under the Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble in Ballet, Horton, African, Jazz, Hip Hop and Pointe amongst other forms. She earned an arts-endorsed degree from the Denver School of the Arts before going on to study dance at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Upon returning to Colorado, Ms. Engelken spent two seasons performing with Davis Contemporary Dance as well as directing the Cleo Parker Robinson teen dance training program.

After moving to New York, Elani founded and lead the solWEST contemporary dance company for three years where she performed in numerous festivals and shows. She is currently teaching at Hudson Valley Conservatory, Dance Management and Pushing Progress in addition to coaching and working with private clients.

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.
— Martha Graham

What you need to know about me...

I stopped eating meat when I was five because thats when I realized that meat came from animals and I didn't want to eat animals.  I am an inspiration junkie. I love ted talks, reading new books and passing on the info.  When I was little I wanted to be President.  I love meeting new people and making a genuine connection but I am not the best at maintaining those relationships.  I have been successful at setting up 2 of my friends with their now husbands.  I may be a little bit psychic, really.